1995 TV Bros Dialogue Anime Evolution(Oshii Mamoru/Katsuhiro Otomo)8P Ghost in the Shell/Memories(大友克洋/押井守 )8頁[tag8808]
Amazon.co.jp: 1995 TV Bros Dialogue Anime Evolution(Oshii Mamoru/Katsuhiro Otomo)8P Ghost in the Shell/Memories(大友克洋/押井守)8頁[tag8808] : おもちゃ,Amazon.co.jp: 1995 TV Bros Dialogue Anime Evolution(Oshii Mamoru/Katsuhiro Otomo)8P Ghost in the Shell/Memories(大友克洋/押井守)8頁[tag8808] : おもちゃ,Ghost in the Shell (1995) | AFA: Animation For Adults : Animation News, Reviews, Articles, Podcasts and More,Ghost in the Shell' (1995) - This animated film by Mamoru Oshii had a budget of $3 million and received 95% on RottenTomatoes with 7.8/10 average and 76/100 on Metacritic. The film,MAMORU OSHII: MAN AND HIS EVOLUTION — sabukaru